Poringland Primary


Remote Learning at Poringland Primary School and Nursery

In the event of a school closure/partial closure, the school is committed to providing continuity of education to its learners and will do so through a process of remote (online) learning. Extensive remote learning would apply particularly in a situation in which the school is closed for an extended period of time, but a high proportion of learners and teachers are healthy, and able to work as normal from home. This condition does not normally apply in the event of short-term school closures (e.g. as a result of inclement weather) or a short-term learner absence.

Remote learning may also be appropriate in situations when learners, in agreement with the school, have a period of absence but are able to work at home in some limited capacity. This may apply in cases such as exclusion / suspensions from school, or longer term illness, assuming learners are able to complete school work at home. Or, following an infectious disease outbreak, learners are self-isolating at home but are not suffering with relevant symptoms.

There is no obligation for the school to provide continuity of education to learners who absent themselves from school, with or without parental permission, in contravention to school or government guidance. This may apply, for example, if parents choose to take learners on holiday during term time. Similarly, this would apply if parents made the decision, without prior agreement with the school, to absent their child from school ‘as a precaution’, against official guidance, in the event of an outbreak of infectious disease.

What can parents/pupils expect from Poringland Primary School and Nursery Remote Learning:

Poringland Primary School and Nursery is committed to try and give students a balanced curriculum even when learning remotely. Pupils can expect to receive:

  • At least 2 Zoom lessons a day with a teacher and an assistant supporting.
  • A range of subjects offered during the week.
  • Feedback from teachers on work that has been completed via Google classroom/Tapestry.
  • A laptop/device to work on if there is no device currently within the household (subject to parents signing a contract).
  • Weekly phone calls from teachers to discuss how things are going.
  • Advice and guidance regarding on-line safety for parent/carers.