Poringland Primary

New To Poringland Primary

New to Poringland Primary

The Local Authority decides on the admissions policy for all schools except foundation and voluntary aided schools, which set their own. 

Our school has adopted that which is laid down by Norfolk County Council, Children Services. A copy of our Admissions Policy is available on our policies page: Click here

Children receive full-time education when they reach statutory school age i.e. the term in which they have their fifth birthday, but the school endeavours to offer admission in September on either a part-time or full-time basis to those children who become five during that academic year. Parents are not obliged to accept such places and are not bound in law to send their children to school until the term following their fifth birthday. 

Children under five should be registered with the Local Authority, but a firm offer of a place cannot be given until the Summer Term. 

Click on the links above to find out all the information you need! If you can’t locate something, have any questions or queries, or just want to say hello, please get in touch with our warm and knowledgeable office team, via office@poringland.norfolk.sch.uk or call on 01508 492530

The Role of Parents and Carers

We believe that parents and carers have a crucial role in supporting their children to learn.  We communicate with parents using: 

  • Weekly newsletters and regular parent mails; 
  • Our school website; 
  • Parents evenings in the Autumn and Spring Term; 
  • Inviting parents to assemblies and productions; 
  • An annual report sent home at the end of the academic year; 
  • Curriculum information meetings relevant to each year group; 
  • A curriculum overview to make clear the learning that takes place for each Theme each term. 
  • Google Classrooms and Tapestry.