Poringland Primary



The pupils’ high motivation is reflected in our good attendance record. We rely on parents or carers to inform us if there is a need for a child to be absent. SLT monitors attendance closely and if a child becomes a persistent absentee (attendance falls below 90% for any reason) an initial email to parents and carers will be sent out outlining the schools’ concerns. If there has been no improvement, the school will contact the family to arrange a meeting. Unfortunately, if attendance continues to be a concern, the attendance team at the county will be notified. However, we work tirelessly at Poringland Primary and Nursery to ensure we can support families before it gets to this stage. 

Absence from school

If your child is absent from school, you should contact the School Office before 8.45am on the first day of absence. There is an answerphone service where you will be able to leave details of your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Please be aware that in the event of diarrhoea or vomiting your child should not return to school any earlier than 48 hours from the last episode. Please also inform us of any appointments occurring during school time e.g. hospital. Any time missed from school has an effect on your child’s learning, and we hope that you arrange family holidays within the usual holiday periods. Holiday during term time cannot be authorised. An application for time off school should be made using a ‘Leave of Absence’ form (available from the school office or from the website). Please state clearly the intended destination, as it may be necessary for those travelling abroad to quarantine on their return to the UK. 


If your child arrives late, they should report to the office. Please help your child to be punctual. It is important that they develop good routines as persistent lateness affects a child’s education. Those who are frequently late will receive a letter from the Headteacher seeking an explanation.

Authorised/Unauthorised Absence

At Poringland Primary School, we aim for zero unauthorised absence and always expect explanation for absences.  Families must request permission from the Headteacher for time off during school time. This is done by completing a form available from the school office or our website.